As part of the City Day, the contest “I know the history of Almaty”, organized by the Association of Almaty Museums, ended.

Students of grades 9-11 of secondary lyceums and gymnasiums in Almaty took part in the competition, which took place from September 1 to 15 in 3 stages.

At stage 1, participants wrote essays in Kazakh and Russian on such topics as “The most wonderful city on Earth”, “Almaty is an international tourist center”, “My favorite city is Almaty”, “Dream City — Almaty”, “What can I do for my city”.

37 of them made it to the second round and were invited to be tested at the Central City Library named after M. A. P. Chekhov. As a result of testing, 16 students passed the final stage. By decision of a jury consisting of historians, ethnographers, museum specialists and teachers:

Maksat Kausar, a 9th “B” grade student of secondary school No. 156, took the 3rd place;
Dmitry Grigoryev, a 10th “A” student of grade 10 “A” of secondary school No. 55, took the 2nd place.

Nurzhigit Balerke, a 9th “A” grade student at Gymnasium School No. 208, became the winner of the competition.

At a festive event dedicated to the City Day on Abay Square, the winners were solemnly awarded by Lyazzat Sagyndykova, Director of the Almaty Association of Museums. The winners of the contest were awarded valuable prizes: a laptop for first place, a mobile phone for the second place, a tablet for the third place.

The purpose of the competition is to encourage young people to patriotism, civic responsibility, to cultivate a sense of pride and interest in deeply recognizing the history of their state and hometown.