“Memlekettik Ramizder — Eldiktin Nyshany” exhibition and round table

“Memlekettik Ramizder — Eldiktin Nyshany” exhibition and round table

On June 4, 1992, the laws “On the State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “On the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “On the musical version of the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan” were signed. On June 4, 2007, the Constitutional Law “On State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was adopted. In accordance with the Law, June 4 is celebrated annually as the Day of State Symbols in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Day of State Symbols has become a holiday that unites all the people of Kazakhstan. State symbols are the embodiment of the continuity of our state, represent the country's independence, values that express the spirit of patriotism, the heroism and wisdom of the people, and the desire for bright ideals of the future.

On June 3, 2022, the Almaty Museum will host the opening of the exhibition “Memlekettik Ramizder — Eldiktin Nyshany” and a round table dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Symbols”. Well-known public figures take part in the events. Almaty.

The exhibition will feature documents from the funds of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reflecting the history of the creation of state symbols: minutes of meetings of the Republican Commission on State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Military Symbols”, the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Approval of the Rules for the Use of the National Flag, the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their images, as well as the text of the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, etc.

The exhibition includes more than 50 archival documents, letters and photographs, and part of the exhibition will be presented in multimedia format.