Geophysical research was carried out on the Boraldai Saki mounds

The Almaty City Museum Association, together with the Italian company GEOSTUDY ASTIER srl and the French DUALEST SAS, conducted geophysical research on the Boraldai Saka burial mounds.


Previous studies conducted in 2015 and 2018 included geoscanning, which revealed elements of the monument hidden underground. However, such methods did not allow for a full study of the mounds of large burial mounds. With the development of new technologies and devices, it became possible to study these archaeological sites more deeply to a depth of 10-15 meters without damaging the monument.


Current research plays an important role in the preparation for the inclusion of the Boraldai burial ground on the World Heritage List. This process requires additional scientific research that will allow for a deeper understanding of the historical significance of the monument. In addition to geoscanning, the current work will involve the use of other geophysical methods, which will allow for obtaining new data on the structure and history of the mounds.


The results of the geoscanning will be presented within a month.


The Boraldai burial mound is located on the Boraldai plateau, in the northwestern part of Almaty. The monument is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List. This is the only surviving elite Saka "royal" necropolis in the territory of Almaty.


GEOSTUDY ASTIER srl specializes in deep geophysical surveys and volumetric measurements using proven pulsed electrical methodology, which allows scanning to depths of 15 meters and more. This approach allows the creation of 3D maps of mounds, revealing their internal structure and features at considerable depth.