Kazakhstan and Italy strengthen cooperation in the field of culture

The international exhibition “Nomads of Kazakhstan: Past and Present” caused a wide public response in Italy. More than 10,000 residents and tourists of Naples visited the exhibition organized by the Almaty History Museum at Castel Nuovo Castle, which features exhibits and artifacts from the 19th and 20th centuries. The host country expressed a wish to continue the exhibition in other Italian cities. Local media write that visitors are delighted with the rich collection of the museum fund and the culture of the Kazakh people.

During the exhibition, Gani Maylibayev, Head of the Department of Culture of Almaty, met with Valentina Mazza, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Italy, and the delegation from Almaty was also received by the Mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi. The parties discussed issues of further bilateral cultural cooperation between the two cities of Almaty and Naples: the possibility of holding exchange exhibitions and festivals that will contribute to the mutual enrichment of the two cultures.

“This great country is once again making us talk about itself with an interesting exhibition about nomads. In general, the history of Kazakhstan is fundamental for understanding the evolution of all of Central Asia, one of the most important regions in the world in ancient times and today. We are ready to hold joint events and provide support in every possible way”, says Honorary Consul Valentina Mazza.

It should be noted that the exhibition space is represented by the following thematic areas: traditional yurt decoration, horse equipment, household items, jewelry, and musical instruments.

“The museums of Almaty, with the support of the Mayor of the city, take an active part in issues of international cooperation and strengthening cultural ties, as well as getting acquainted with the history and culture, traditions, way of life, philosophy and worldview of the Kazakh people. The exhibition will receive guests here until December 14. We are grateful to our colleagues for their joint work; we see how warmly our exhibition was received in Italy. Now, by the end of the year, we plan to organize an equally large exhibition in Vienna”, — said Gani Maylibayev, Head of the Department of Culture of Almaty.

Local residents, including media, who visited the exhibition write the following: “Kazakhs are a proud people who have enriched their culture through knowledge and acceptance of their roots, strengthening traditions over the centuries”; “The city played a significant role here in the thirteenth century; it was actually an important shopping center at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road”; “You should carefully consider the wonderful silver jewelry, the so-called “serger”, impregnated religious beliefs and beneficial properties, as well as ancient musical instruments such as dombra, zhetygen and kobyz with a legendary spiritual story.”